CARES Act (HEERF I) Emergency Relief Fund – Student Portion

Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 《澳门葡京平台》授权教育部长向高等教育机构分配基于公式的拨款. A portion of these funds under section 18004(c) of the Act, 是否向在校学生提供紧急经济援助助学金,以支付因冠状病毒导致校园运营中断的相关费用. These expenses may include; travel, moving, technology, course materials, food, housing, health care, child care, and other expenses related to leaving campus and remote learning.

CCS签署并提交了认证和协议表格,要求根据该法案第18004(c)条向学生提供568美元的紧急经济援助补助金,245. 我们很高兴地报告说,学院已经收到了学生紧急财政援助补助金的份额.

The U. S. 教育部规定学生必须符合第四章资助资格, 哪些是通过完成FAFSA来确定的,以便从关怀法案资金中获得分配. In addition, 没有完成FAFSA申请的学生可能有资格获得这些资金,但必须符合以下条件. Have a valid social security number, 2. Must have established U.S. Citizenship status, 3. Males between the ages of 18-26, must have registered for the U.S. Selective Service, 4. 有高中文凭,普通教育文凭,或者在一个被认可的家庭学校完成高中学业.

学院领导层审查了将这笔资金分配给学生的各种选择,并得出结论,所有学生都受到了COVID-19大流行的影响,并产生了与校园运营中断相关的意外费用. 我们已经制定了一个公平公正的计划,将这笔资金分配给所有提交了FAFSA并符合第四章资格的学生,以及我们确定如果他们提交了FAFSA就符合第四章资格的学生. 有资格或可能有资格参加联邦学生经济援助计划的学生人数为1209人.

用于计算每所大学拨款的公式在一定程度上是基于佩尔奖学金获得者的数量, and because these are our most needy students, the College has given Pell recipients a higher amount of funding. 学院还根据学生的在校情况(全日制)分配资金, three-quarter time, part-time, and less than part-time), at the time of distribution as illustrated in the chart below:


CARES Act (HEERF I) Emergency Relief Fund – Student Portion

Groupings Dollar Amt No. Recipients Total Amt
Pell Recipients
Full-Time $705 335 $236,175
Three-Quarter Time $530 58 $30,740
Part-Time $350 28 $9,800
Less Than Part-Time $175 3 $525
Sub Total 424 $277,240
Non Pell Recipients
Full-Time $400 640 $256,000
Three-Quarter Time $300 83 $24,900
Part-Time $200 46 $9,200
Less Than Part-Time $100 16 $1,600
Sub Total 785 $291,700
Total 1209 $568,940


我们非常感谢通过《澳门葡京平台》获得的资金,并有机会将这笔资金传递给我们的学生. 2020年5月6日,所有学生都收到了一封包含此网页信息的电子邮件. Funds are being disbursed to students the week of May 11, 2020.


CARES Act (HEERF I) Emergency Relief Fund – Institutional Portion

Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 《澳门葡京平台》授权教育部长向高等教育机构分配基于公式的拨款. A portion of these funds under section 18004(c) of the Act, 允许接收方使用所收到资金的50%来支付因冠状病毒导致的教学交付重大变化相关的任何费用,只要此类费用不包括向提供入学前招募活动的承包商支付的费用, including marketing and advertising; endowments; or capital outlays associated with facilities related to athletics, sectarian instruction, 或宗教崇拜(统称为“接受者的机构成本”).

CCS签署并提交了认证和协议表格,要求根据该法案第18004(c)条提供568美元的机构部分,244. 我们很感激并高兴地向大家报告,学院已经收到了它在这笔资金中的份额.

The College used this funding to reimburse a portion of the $1,757,562 it refunded to students for prorated housing and meal plan refunds, as well as, the entire resource fee refund. The Final Report for 《澳门葡京平台》第18004(a)(1)条机构部分规定的季度预算和支出报告 is available for review.


Student Portion

2021年2月22日,学院收到补助金奖励通知(GAN P425E200237 - 20C).4.1 -学生部分)来自美国教育部,说明学院已获得568美元的奖励,根据《澳门葡京平台》(CRRSAA)第314条第245条或HEERF II资金.

根据授予条款和条件授予CCS,以及相关指导意见 provided with the HEERF II funding, institutions are encouraged to 优先资助有特殊需要的学生,比如获得佩尔助学金的学生. However, 学生不需要成为佩尔奖学金获得者或有资格获得佩尔奖学金的学生才能获得经济援助奖学金. 学院领导层审查了将这笔资金分配给学生的各种选择,并决定向所有417名佩尔助学金获得者提供资金. 学院将根据学生的注册情况(全日制)分配这些资金, three-quarter time, part-time, and less than part-time), as of February 11, 2021. 学生可以将这笔紧急补助金用于支付其出勤费用的任何部分或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用.

CCS非常感谢通过CRRSA法案获得这笔资金,并有机会将这笔资金传递给我们的学生. HEERF II紧急赠款于3月29日当周发放给目前注册的佩尔助学金获得者, 2021, totaling $569,590 as shown in the chart below. 理事会执行委员会于3月25日通过了这项决议, 2021 meeting.


CRRSAA (HEERF II) Student Portion – Emergency Grants to Students
Student Portion = $568,245


Groupings Dollar Amt No. Recipients Total Amt
Pell Recipients
Full-Time $1,485 328 $487,080
Three-Quarter Time $1,110 49 $54,390
Part-Time $740 36 $26,640
Less Than Part-Time $370 4 $1,480
Total 417 $569,590



CRRSAA (HEERF II) Institutional Portion

2021年1月18日,学院收到了一份资助奖励通知(GAN P425F201631-20B).3.1) -来自美国教育部的机构部分,说明该学院已获得1美元的奖励,273,根据《澳门葡京平台》(CRRSAA)第314条第325款或HEERF II资金.

大学可以使用机构部分为学生提供额外的紧急补助金, reimburse for lost revenue, and use or reimburse 根据公共卫生指南,实施基于证据的做法,监测和抑制冠状病毒.  此外,大学可能会偿还学生余额,并补偿收入损失.

As of June 30, 2021, the College used a portion of this funding for emergency grants students ($1,345), to discharge student balances ($399,805), and to reimburse for COVID-19 testing ($370,247) as indicated on 高等教育基金第一、二、三机构部分的季度预算和支出报告 available for review.

During July 2021, CCS discharged an additional $501,928 (a total of $901,733),并使用CRRSAA (HEERF II)资金补偿收入损失. 要审查截至2021年9月30日的季度支出,请参阅 高等教育基金第一、二、三机构部分的季度预算和支出报告.​


ARP (HEERF III) Student Portion

On May 13, 2021, CCS received a Grant Award Notification (GAN P425E200237-20D.6.1) -来自美国教育部的学生部分,说明学院已获得1美元的奖励,625,185 under Section 2003 of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) or HEERF III funding.

根据授予条款和条件授予CCS,以及相关指导意见 provided with the HEERF III funding, institutions are encouraged to 优先资助有特殊需要的学生,比如获得佩尔助学金的学生. However, 学生不需要成为佩尔奖学金获得者或有资格获得佩尔奖学金的学生才能获得经济援助奖学金. 

所有的CCS学生都受到了疫情的影响,都经历了一年的社会隔离, strict COVID mitigation restrictions, abnormal classroom experience, and many have experienced mental health challenges.  学院领导审查了向学生分配这笔资金的各种选择,并决定向所有学生提供资金,同时根据EFC和家庭收入提供更多的紧急补助金,优先考虑那些有特殊需要的学生.  To accomplish this, CCS will use the entire student portion plus $298,490 from its institutional portion for a total of $1,923,675 in emergency grants to students.  应该指出的是,CRRSAA (HEERF II)紧急补助金的全部学生部分都发给了佩尔助学金获得者.

学院将直接向学生发放这些紧急助学金,并将根据学生的注册状况(全日制)分配这些资金, three-quarter time, part-time, and less than part-time), as of May 16, 2021.  以下图表说明了7月12日那一周发放给学生的ARP (HEERF III) -学生部分资金的分配情况, 2021.   Via email, students were told that these emergency grants could be used 他们的出勤费用或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用的任何组成部分.

Groupings HEERF III No. Recipients Total Amt
Pell Grant Recipients
Level 1 – All Pell Grant Recipients
Full-Time $3,500 306 $1,071,000
Three-Quarter Time $2,625 57 $149,625
Part-Time $1,750 38 $66,500
Less Than Part-Time $875 5 $4,375
Sub Total 406 $1,291,500
Non Pell Recipients 
LEVEL 2 – EFC LE 10000 and HH Inc LE 60000
Full-Time $2,500 41 $102,500
Three-Quarter Time $1,875 12 $22,500
Part-Time $1,250 11 $13,750
Less Than Part-Time $625 3 $1,875
LEVEL 3 – EFC LE 23380 and HH Inc LE 80000
Full-Time $1,500 69 $103,500
Three-Quarter Time $1,125 9 $10,125
Part-Time $750 6 $4,500
Less Than Part-Time $375 0 $0
LEVEL 4 – EFC LE 23380 and HH Inc 80001 – 100000      
Full-Time $750 57 $42,750
Three-Quarter Time $565 9 $5,085
Part-Time $325 4 $1,300
Less Than Part-Time $165 1 $165
LEVEL 5 – All Other Domestic Students
Full-Time $500 503 $251,500
Three-Quarter Time $375 57 $21,375
Part-Time $250 28 $7,000
Less Than Part-Time $125 5 $625
Sub Total   815 $588,550
Total   1221 $1,880,050
The average EFC of currently enrolled students is 23380.
The average Household Income of currently enrolled students is 99,903.


International Students
International Students CCS Funds No. Recipients Total Amount
Full-Time $500 80 $40,000
Three-Quarter Time $375 5 $1,875
Part-Time $250 5 $1,250
Less Than Part-Time $125 4 $500
Total   94 $43,625
Grand Total     $1,923,675



ARP (HEERF III) Institutional Portion

On May 15, 2021, CCS received a Grant Award Notification (GAN P425F201631-20C.5.1) -来自美国教育部的机构部分,说明该学院已获得1美元的奖励,625,184 under Section 2003 of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) or HEERF III funding.

各机构必须根据公共卫生指南,将其拨款的一部分用于实施循证做法,以监测和抑制冠状病毒.  In addition, 由于家庭成员或独立学生最近失业,机构必须使用其拨款的一部分向经济援助申请人提供获得经济援助调整的机会.  CCS will reserve $200,从其ARP (HEERF III)机构部分中拿出1万美元用于因失业而进行的专业判断调整,并将根据对外联工作的反应,在需要时拨出额外资金.  On June 1, 2021, 我们向所有在2021-2022学年注册的学生发送了一封电子邮件,让他们了解由于失业或收入损失而进行专业判断调整的机会.

Consistent with the spirit of the HEERF III guidance, CCS leadership has decided to use $298,从其机构部分中拿出490美元用于紧急学生补助金(如上图所示), $200,000 for Professional Judgement adjustments for students.  During July 2021, CCS used $511,394的机构部分,以支付学生余额和偿还收入损失.  Between the CRRSAA (HEERF II) and ARP (HEERF III) funding, CCS discharged balances totaling $1,413,127. In addition, $375 was used for COVID-19 testing.

要审查截至2021年9月30日的季度支出,请参阅 高等教育基金第一、二、三机构部分的季度预算和支出报告.

During the fourth quarter, October through December 2021, the College awarded emergency grants totaling $175,总共102名学生中有39名回应了我们的专业判断外展. 在39名获得紧急助学金的学生中,有30名符合佩尔资格.

要查看截至2021年12月31日的季度支出,请参阅 高等教育基金第一、二、三机构部分的季度预算和支出报告

During the first quarter of 2022, January through March, the College awarded emergency grants totaling $17,000 to 5 students who responded to our professional judgement outreach. 符合佩尔资格的学生占获得这些紧急补助金的5名学生中的1名. In addition, $8000 was used to reimburse the College for discharged balances.

要查看截至2022年3月31日的季度支出,请参阅 高等教育基金第一、二、三机构部分的季度预算和支出报告.
